语言.,床位数. & 文化


  • 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳分校博士
  • 硕士,俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校
  • 哈丁大学文学学士



Department Head of Languages, Literatures and 文化


我一直喜欢其他语言. 作为在苏格兰长大的孩子, I remember spending some late nights listening to Radio Luxembourg with my grandmother. 我们俩一个字也听不懂, 但她总是说, “You need to learn to speak other languages so you understand what they’re saying!” It is that desire to understand and communicate with people from other cultures that has continued to make me want to learn languages and know other cultures.

Having studied 法国 and Italian (along with some Latin and Spanish) in school, I came to the U.S. to complete an undergraduate degree in 法国 at a small, residential liberal arts university not too different from SU. While I was in college, I was able to participate in a semester and two summer programs in Italy. These experiences created in me a love for Italy and all things Italian (not to mention an even greater love for the woman who would become my wife!). 事实上, my wife and I went on to spend two years living in Padova (Padua) Italy, 在哪里, 在其他活动中, 我开始了我未来的教学生涯.

现在, 在州立大学任教, I get to share my passion for Italy with my students, and hopefully inspire them also to explore new languages and cultures just as I did.


2002- 2007, Ph.D. 意大利语言学, with Certificate of Advanced Study in SLATE (Second Language Acquisition and Teacher 教育) 伊利诺伊大学 at 厄

Dissertation标题:The Development of Verbal Morphology in Instructed Italian L2A

1999-2001, M.A. Italian, summa cum laude, The Ohio State University

论文标题:A Synthetic Analysis of the Italian Subjunctive and its Use in Three Works of Carlo Cassola

1992-1996 B.A. 法国 & Missions (Theology), summa cum laude Harding University, Searcy, Arkansas


2019年7月——现在 Chair, Department of Language, Literatures and 文化

2015年9月——现在 意大利语副教授, 项目主任-应用语言学辅修, 浩博体育app, Selinsgrove, PA

2013.08 - 2015.08 意大利语助理教授, 浩博体育app, Selinsgrove, PA

2012年8月- 2013年5月 意大利语助理教授, 意大利基础语言项目主任, 佛罗里达州立大学, 塔拉哈西, FL

2009年8月至2012年5月; 意大利语助理教授, 浩博体育app, Selinsgrove, PA

2007年8月至2009年5月; Visiting 意大利语助理教授 and SLATE, 伊利诺伊大学 at 厄, IL

2002 - 2007年5月, Graduate Teaching Assistant, 伊利诺伊大学 at 厄, IL

2002年3月到6月, English Language Instructor, British Institutes, Padova, Italy

1999-2001, Graduate Teaching Associate, The Ohio State University

1997年1月至1998年5月 English Language Instructor, Istituto Linguistico Bertrand Russell, Padova, Italy


意大利101年 & 102 初级意大利语(上) & (2)
意大利201年 中级意大利语(1)
意大利202年 中级意大利语(2)
意大利301年 高级会话和口语表达
意大利302年 高级语法与写作
意大利的310/460 Topics in Italian literature/ culture: The Mafia in literature and life
意大利的311/461 意大利语言学概论
350年教育 English Language learners: Theory and Instruction
300年语言 应用语言研究导论
360年语言 第二语言习得导论
500年语言 语言教学方法


Principal areas of research are (1) second language acquisition, with particular interest in the effects of formal instruction on the acquisition of Italian; (2) language teaching methodology, 特别是基于内容的教学(CBI), and the effectiveness of CBI in the foreign language learning context; and by extension (3) the teaching of Italian language and culture in general. Ultimately, my research seeks to connect second language acquisition theory and language instruction.



罗杰斯,D. (2018). The “Non-Level Concept” and its Potential for Curricular Innovation. ITALICA - The Journal of American Association of Teachers of Italian, 95(3).

罗杰斯,D. (2017). 来吧,骰子? 来吧!?: Incorporating the teaching and assessment of pragmatics into a first year university-level Italian curriculum.. ITALICA - The Journal of American Association of Teachers of Italian, 94(4).

罗杰斯,D. M. (2015). 强制变更? Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes and Self-Efficacy Regarding English Language Learners. 宾州教师.

罗杰斯,D. M. (2015). Incidental language learning in foreign language subject matter courses. 现代语言杂志.

罗杰斯,D. M. (2014). 为基于内容的教学做准备. Italica, 93(1), 16-28.

罗杰斯,D. M. (2011). 词法的自动化 in instructed SLA. 国际 Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL), 49(4), 295-319.

罗杰斯,D. M. (2011). The acquisition of verbal agreement in instructed Italian L2A. L2杂志, 3, 93-115. (http://escholarship.org/uc/uccllt_l2)

罗杰斯,D. M. (2006). Developing content and form: Encouraging evidence from Italian content-based instruction. 现代语言杂志, 90, 373-386.


Aski J., D. Musumeci J. Ehrenberg C. Onorato-Wysokinski Z. 罗伯斯 & D. M. 罗杰斯. (2013). 工作手册/实验室手册随Avanti! 初级意大利语(第三版). 波士顿:麦格劳-希尔.

Aski J., D. Musumeci J. Ehrenberg C. Onorato-Wysokinski Z. 罗伯斯, D. M. 罗杰斯 & A. 劳登. (2010). 工作手册/实验室手册随Avanti! 初级意大利语(第二版). 波士顿:麦格劳-希尔.

Aski J., D. Musumeci J. Ehrenberg C. Onorato-Wysokinski Z. 罗伯斯, D. M. 罗杰斯 & A. 劳登. (2007). 工作手册/实验室手册随Avanti! 初级意大利语(第一版). 波士顿:麦格劳-希尔.




罗杰斯,D. M. (2010年4月). 我们如何学习另一种语言? Delivered at Undergraduate Research Colloquium, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.


罗杰斯,D. M. (2013). Combining Cultural and Linguistic Goals: Content-based Instruction in Action. Presentation at Teaching Italian Culture conference at Georgetown University, Washington D.C. (范围:国际)【浩博体育app】

罗杰斯,D. M. & W. Cordero-Ponce. (2012). Is language learning really happening in content courses? Roundtable presentation at ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo 2012, Philadelphia, PA. (范围:国际)

罗杰斯,D. M. (2009年10月). 对象政治和感知的力量. Presentation at Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. (范围:国际)

罗杰斯,D. M. (2008年4月). 词法的自动化. Presentation at American Association for Applied Linguistics 2008 Conference, AAAL, Washington, D.C. (范围:国际)

罗杰斯,D. M. (2007年10月). 词法的自动化 in instructed SLA. Poster presentation at Second Languages Research Forum (SLRF), 伊利诺伊大学, 厄, 厄巴纳, IL. (范围:国际)

罗杰斯,D. M. (2004年4月). The Effect of Collaborative Dialogue on the Acquisition of Italian Morphology. Presentation at American Association for Applied Linguistics 2004 Conference, AAAL, Portland, OR. (范围:国际)


罗杰斯,D. M. (2005年10月). Connecting content and form: Two possible approaches. Diane Musumeci(主席), Bridging the Divide: Teaching Strategies for the Second Year. Presentation at the meeting of American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI), Washington, D.C. (范围:国际)

罗杰斯,D. M. (2005年4月). Content and Form: Development in a Non-Traditional Classroom Setting. Diane Musumeci(主席), 重新思考开始意大利语课程. Presentation at the meeting of American Association of Italian Studies (AAIS), Chapel Hill, NC. (范围:国际)

  • HONS-301: Hon:应用语言学入门
  • 初级意大利语I
  • 意大利语-102:初级意大利语II
  • ital2thm:文化中的中间主题 & 文明.
  • ital2tpc:中级文化话题 & 文明.
  • 意大利- 3thm:文化与文明高级主题.
  • ital3tpc:文化与文明的高级主题.
  • ital542:意大利的非传统艺术
  • LANG-300:应用语言学导论
  • LANG-360:第二语言习得
  • LANG-500:语言教学方法
  • LANG-504:实习:读写中心
  • LANG-504:实习:Villareal Cf


我一直喜欢其他语言. 作为在苏格兰长大的孩子, I remember spending some late nights listening to Radio Luxembourg with my grandmother. 我们俩一个字也听不懂, 但她总是说, “You need to learn to speak other languages so you understand what they’re saying!” It is that desire to understand and communicate with people from other cultures that has continued to make me want to learn languages and know other cultures.

Having studied 法国 and Italian (along with some Latin and Spanish) in school, I came to the U.S. to complete an undergraduate degree in 法国 at a small, residential liberal arts university not too different from SU. While I was in college, I was able to participate in a semester and two summer programs in Italy. These experiences created in me a love for Italy and all things Italian (not to mention an even greater love for the woman who would become my wife!). 事实上, my wife and I went on to spend two years living in Padova (Padua) Italy, 在哪里, 在其他活动中, 我开始了我未来的教学生涯.

现在, 在州立大学任教, I get to share my passion for Italy with my students, and hopefully inspire them also to explore new languages and cultures just as I did.



2002- 2007, Ph.D. 意大利语言学, with Certificate of Advanced Study in SLATE (Second Language Acquisition and Teacher 教育) 伊利诺伊大学 at 厄

Dissertation标题:The Development of Verbal Morphology in Instructed Italian L2A

1999-2001, M.A. Italian, summa cum laude, The Ohio State University

论文标题:A Synthetic Analysis of the Italian Subjunctive and its Use in Three Works of Carlo Cassola

1992-1996 B.A. 法国 & Missions (Theology), summa cum laude Harding University, Searcy, Arkansas


2019年7月——现在 Chair, Department of Language, Literatures and 文化

2015年9月——现在 意大利语副教授, 项目主任-应用语言学辅修, 浩博体育app, Selinsgrove, PA

2013.08 - 2015.08 意大利语助理教授, 浩博体育app, Selinsgrove, PA

2012年8月- 2013年5月 意大利语助理教授, 意大利基础语言项目主任, 佛罗里达州立大学, 塔拉哈西, FL

2009年8月至2012年5月; 意大利语助理教授, 浩博体育app, Selinsgrove, PA

2007年8月至2009年5月; Visiting 意大利语助理教授 and SLATE, 伊利诺伊大学 at 厄, IL

2002 - 2007年5月, Graduate Teaching Assistant, 伊利诺伊大学 at 厄, IL

2002年3月到6月, English Language Instructor, British Institutes, Padova, Italy

1999-2001, Graduate Teaching Associate, The Ohio State University

1997年1月至1998年5月 English Language Instructor, Istituto Linguistico Bertrand Russell, Padova, Italy


意大利101年 & 102 初级意大利语(上) & (2)
意大利201年 中级意大利语(1)
意大利202年 中级意大利语(2)
意大利301年 高级会话和口语表达
意大利302年 高级语法与写作
意大利的310/460 Topics in Italian literature/ culture: The Mafia in literature and life
意大利的311/461 意大利语言学概论
350年教育 English Language learners: Theory and Instruction
300年语言 应用语言研究导论
360年语言 第二语言习得导论
500年语言 语言教学方法


Principal areas of research are (1) second language acquisition, with particular interest in the effects of formal instruction on the acquisition of Italian; (2) language teaching methodology, 特别是基于内容的教学(CBI), and the effectiveness of CBI in the foreign language learning context; and by extension (3) the teaching of Italian language and culture in general. Ultimately, my research seeks to connect second language acquisition theory and language instruction.



罗杰斯,D. (2018). The “Non-Level Concept” and its Potential for Curricular Innovation. ITALICA - The Journal of American Association of Teachers of Italian, 95(3).

罗杰斯,D. (2017). 来吧,骰子? 来吧!?: Incorporating the teaching and assessment of pragmatics into a first year university-level Italian curriculum.. ITALICA - The Journal of American Association of Teachers of Italian, 94(4).

罗杰斯,D. M. (2015). 强制变更? Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes and Self-Efficacy Regarding English Language Learners. 宾州教师.

罗杰斯,D. M. (2015). Incidental language learning in foreign language subject matter courses. 现代语言杂志.

罗杰斯,D. M. (2014). 为基于内容的教学做准备. Italica, 93(1), 16-28.

罗杰斯,D. M. (2011). 词法的自动化 in instructed SLA. 国际 Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL), 49(4), 295-319.

罗杰斯,D. M. (2011). The acquisition of verbal agreement in instructed Italian L2A. L2杂志, 3, 93-115. (http://escholarship.org/uc/uccllt_l2)

罗杰斯,D. M. (2006). Developing content and form: Encouraging evidence from Italian content-based instruction. 现代语言杂志, 90, 373-386.


Aski J., D. Musumeci J. Ehrenberg C. Onorato-Wysokinski Z. 罗伯斯 & D. M. 罗杰斯. (2013). 工作手册/实验室手册随Avanti! 初级意大利语(第三版). 波士顿:麦格劳-希尔.

Aski J., D. Musumeci J. Ehrenberg C. Onorato-Wysokinski Z. 罗伯斯, D. M. 罗杰斯 & A. 劳登. (2010). 工作手册/实验室手册随Avanti! 初级意大利语(第二版). 波士顿:麦格劳-希尔.

Aski J., D. Musumeci J. Ehrenberg C. Onorato-Wysokinski Z. 罗伯斯, D. M. 罗杰斯 & A. 劳登. (2007). 工作手册/实验室手册随Avanti! 初级意大利语(第一版). 波士顿:麦格劳-希尔.




罗杰斯,D. M. (2010年4月). 我们如何学习另一种语言? Delivered at Undergraduate Research Colloquium, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.


罗杰斯,D. M. (2013). Combining Cultural and Linguistic Goals: Content-based Instruction in Action. Presentation at Teaching Italian Culture conference at Georgetown University, Washington D.C. (范围:国际)【浩博体育app】

罗杰斯,D. M. & W. Cordero-Ponce. (2012). Is language learning really happening in content courses? Roundtable presentation at ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo 2012, Philadelphia, PA. (范围:国际)

罗杰斯,D. M. (2009年10月). 对象政治和感知的力量. Presentation at Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. (范围:国际)

罗杰斯,D. M. (2008年4月). 词法的自动化. Presentation at American Association for Applied Linguistics 2008 Conference, AAAL, Washington, D.C. (范围:国际)

罗杰斯,D. M. (2007年10月). 词法的自动化 in instructed SLA. Poster presentation at Second Languages Research Forum (SLRF), 伊利诺伊大学, 厄, 厄巴纳, IL. (范围:国际)

罗杰斯,D. M. (2004年4月). The Effect of Collaborative Dialogue on the Acquisition of Italian Morphology. Presentation at American Association for Applied Linguistics 2004 Conference, AAAL, Portland, OR. (范围:国际)


罗杰斯,D. M. (2005年10月). Connecting content and form: Two possible approaches. Diane Musumeci(主席), Bridging the Divide: Teaching Strategies for the Second Year. Presentation at the meeting of American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI), Washington, D.C. (范围:国际)

罗杰斯,D. M. (2005年4月). Content and Form: Development in a Non-Traditional Classroom Setting. Diane Musumeci(主席), 重新思考开始意大利语课程. Presentation at the meeting of American Association of Italian Studies (AAIS), Chapel Hill, NC. (范围:国际)


  • HONS-301: Hon:应用语言学入门
  • 初级意大利语I
  • 意大利语-102:初级意大利语II
  • ital2thm:文化中的中间主题 & 文明.
  • ital2tpc:中级文化话题 & 文明.
  • 意大利- 3thm:文化与文明高级主题.
  • ital3tpc:文化与文明的高级主题.
  • ital542:意大利的非传统艺术
  • LANG-300:应用语言学导论
  • LANG-360:第二语言习得
  • LANG-500:语言教学方法
  • LANG-504:实习:读写中心
  • LANG-504:实习:Villareal Cf